Dataset #
377,110 images, 227,835 reports
112,120 X-ray images from 30,805 unique patients, with labels of 14 diseases
The labels are expected to be >90% accurate and suitable for weakly-supervised learning
CheXpert #
224,316 images of 65,240 patients, labels of 14 diseases: positive, negative, uncertain
Train: all labeled by CheXpert Labeler
Validation: 200, labeled by experts
Test: 500, labeled by experts
PadChest #
- 160,000+ images
- from 67,000 patients, from 2009 to 2017
- reports
- labeled with 174 different radiographic findings, 19 differential diagnoses and 104 anatomic locations
- 27% were manually annotated and the remaining set was labeled by RNN (0.93 Micro-F1 score)
RadGraph #
structure clinical information in a radiology report with 4 entities and 3 relations, with MIMIC-CXR and CheXpert
- Annotations: 500 for train, 100 for test
- train.json: File containing annotations obtained by board-certified radiologists for 425 radiology reports (MIMIC-CXR)
- dev.json: File containing annotations obtained by board-certified radiologists for 75 radiology reports (MIMIC-CXR)
- test.json: File containing annotations obtained by 2 different board-certified radiologists for 100 radiology reports (50 MIMIC-CXR, 50 CheXpert)
- Graphs
- MIMIC-CXR_graphs.json: File containing annotations obtained by our deep learning model for 220,763 radiology reports (MIMIC-CXR)
- CheXpert_graphs.json: File containing annotations obtained by our deep learning model for 500 radiology reports (CheXpert)
- Models
- models/model_checkpoint: Folder containing the saved model parameters used to automatically generate the annotations in MIMIC-CXR_graphs.json and CheXpert_graphs.json
- models/README.txt: File containing instructions for performing inference using model checkpoint
- models/ File containing code to extract entities and relations given a directory containing reports in txt format
Chest ImaGenome #
- scene graph to describe 242,072 images
- bounding boxes for 29 unique anatomical regions in the chest
- sentences describing each region if they exist in the corresponding radiology report
Chest Disease #
疾病 | 中文名 | 症状 | 归纳 |
Cardiomegaly | 心脏肥大 | 大小 | |
Mass | 肿块 | ||
Nodule | 结节 | ||
Atelectasis | 肺不张 | 一边没气,心脏也跟着挤过来 | 偏移 |
Pneumothorax | 气胸 | 有气,肺被挤压 | |
Effusion | 积液 | 膈角很容易被填满,可能把心脏挤到另一边 | |
Pneumonia | 肺炎 | ||
Infiltrastion | 浸润 | ||
Edema | 水肿 | ||
Emphysema | 肺气肿 | ||
Fibrosis | 纤维化 | ||
Pleural Thickening | 胸膜增厚 | ||
Hernia | 疝 | ||
Consolidation | 肺实变 |